Add Social Icons After Header Right Widget Nav Menu

This solution enables you to add social icons after the Navigation Menu widget in the Header Right widget area like this :

On smaller screens, the social icons are centered after the menu like this :

On mobiles, the icons are displayed before the toggle menu like this :

Assumes the Navigation Menu & Simple Social Icons widgets added to the Header Right widget area in this order :

Also assumes Simple Social Icon size of 30px :

Watch Demo Video #

Shows the Simple Social Icons display to the right of the Navigation Menu widget in the header right widget area of the Parallax Pro child theme. Shows the site title, menu and social icons centered on iPad sized screens and the social icons displaying before the mobile responsive menu on the smallest mobile devices.

Tested using the Parallax Pro child theme by StudioPress, May need modification for use in other Genesis child themes.

Installation #

Copy & paste the CSS from the style.css file in the download folder and paste at the end of the Parallax Pro themes style sheet. Clear caching.

Register or login to access the download folder :

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