How To Make WooCommerce Shop Page Images Link To Other Websites

Good question asked recently about making the shop page product images link to external sites rather than the single product page.

This tutorial provides 2 different solutions as well as a detailed explanation of how the code works in each snippet.

Shows the product image on the shop page linked to a external website when external URL added otherwise the image links to the single product page.

When the product image on the category archive page is clicked, the image links to the single product page however you can change the conditional tag in the code to link the image and title on all/any archive page type to any external or internal URL. Support for this small modification included for paid customers.

There’s only 2 steps relating to usage of the code in the download folder :

Step 1 : Copy & paste 1 of the 2 code snippets from the functions.php file to the end of your child themes functions file.

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