Genesis Star Rating System For Reviews

This tutorial provides the code which enables you to do the following using 100% code ( no plugins ) :

  • Create a custom reviews category template for displaying reviewer submitted reviews with star ratings.
  • Create a custom single post template for posts in the reviews category which includes a star rating.
  • Create a custom post type named review.
  • Create a custom post type archive template with hand coded star rating system.
  • Create a custom post type single template with star rating system.
  • Enable reviews to be submitted via a custom form using Gravity Forms.
  • Enable reviews to be submitted by reviewers using a contributor user role using custom fields native to WordPress.
  • Enable reviews to be submitted by reviewers using a contributor user role with ACF star rating meta box.
  • Create a custom shortcode for displaying the reviewer name in the post info entry header.
  • Add custom schema for the review title, reviewer name, review description ( content ) and the review rating.

Basically, you can use the code and templates to enable user submitted reviews with a star rating system using 100% code or code and plugins.

Gravity forms and ACF can be used but are not compulsory and all reviews will continue to display if you remove ACF or Gravity Forms.

Watch the following demo video to see how it works.

Demo Video #

Shows how you can use Gravity Forms, ACF or the native WordPress functionality to submit reviews with a star rating for publication in any Genesis child theme.

Shows the templates used with a reviews category and review custom post type archive. Tested using the Genesis Sample child theme by StudioPress however should work fine in most Genesis child themes archives and single posts/pages. Will not work with the Genesis Featured Posts widget.

Code Installation #

There’s different installation steps depending on which method you decide to use. All steps relate to usage of the files inside the download folder.

There’s 2 compulsory steps before deciding on which method to use.

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3 responses to “Genesis Star Rating System For Reviews”

  1. Marc de Boer Avatar
    Marc de Boer


    Thanks for the code.
    But it doesn’t work properly. It does fill the stars in the backend when you edit the post.
    They all get one star.

    1. Marc. I retested the code and it works perfectly as seen in the demo video.

      Note : Make sure you change the email address in the Gravity Forms field to your own otherwise the reviews will get sent to me.

      Which method are you using to submit the reviews? Gravity Forms, WP custom fields or ACF?

      Also, which theme are you using?

      Please send me a copy of your theme with the code installed or FTP/WP access.

  2. To display the stars on the home or front page simply copy the category-reviews.php file and rename it front-page.php or home.php in your child themes root directory. This works when your front page is displaying your latest posts otherwise, use this solution for front pages which contain widget area’s.

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