Custom Archive Page Template With Different Hero Images in Genesis Sample Theme

This template enables you to display each archive page using a unique image behind the archive title and site header elements like this :

In this example, the image is added using custom fields. The template can be used on any/all archive page types.

Demo Video #

Shows a unique hero image displayed behind the site header and archive title. On scroll, the background color for the site header changes from transparent to white.

Tested using the Genesis Sample child theme by StudioPress. May work in other Genesis child themes with or without modification.

Code Installation #

There’s 2 steps relating to usage of the files inside the download folder :

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4 responses to “Custom Archive Page Template With Different Hero Images in Genesis Sample Theme”

  1. Hugo Callens Avatar
    Hugo Callens

    I would like to have a hero image displayed behind the title of my search results page in Genesis sample theme 2.10. How can I do that?

    1. Hello Hugo. Please send a copy of your child theme to

  2. Hugo Callens Avatar
    Hugo Callens

    I would like to have a hero image displayed behind the title of my search results page in Genesis sample theme. How can I do that?

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