Multi Item Slider For Genesis

This multi item slider is hand coded using PHP specifically for Genesis child themes.

Multi Product Image Slider for WordPress

The slider enables you to display multiple featured/product images with titles from :

  • Categories & tags by post
  • Custom post type items by custom taxonomy terms
  • WooCommerce products by category or tag or any other taxonomy type

In this case, the demo is coded to display :

  • 4 items from single posts assigned to the category Shoes
  • 4 WooCommerce products assigned to the product category Accessories
  • 3 items assigned to the portfolio custom post type custom taxonomy term Watches
  • 4 items from single posts assigned to the category Bags

Demo Video #

Shows 3 – 4 items together from posts in 3 different taxonomy types displaying with animation on click.

Tested using the Genesis Sample child theme by StudioPress, should work fine in any Genesis child theme without the need for modification.

Installation – Download Folder #

There’s 2 steps :

Step 1 – Upload the 2 folders named slider-css & slider-js as well as the front-page.php to your child themes root directory like this :

Child Theme Folder Structure

Step 2 – You can then create posts, CPT items and WooCommerce products assigned to categories, tags, custom taxonomy types and WooCommerce product taxonomies for display in the slider as seen in the demo video.

You’ll need to match the taxonomy name and id in the PHP code for each taxonomy type you want to use. Support for this is provided to members if needed.

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