Setting To Display Entry Excerpts on Any Archive Page Template

This template enables you to override the global Genesis > Theme Settings > Content Archive settings to display Entry excerpts when the Entry Content option has been selected as seen in the following screenshot :

Genesis Content Archive Settings Entry Excerpts

You can use this template to override the content archive settings on any type of archive including your blog page template, category, tag, author, custom post type, custom taxonomy, custom taxonomy term and any other archive page type.

Demo Video #

Shows custom excerpts showing on the category archive page overriding the global content archive settings which are set to the content limit.

Works in any Genesis child theme on any archive.

Installation Steps #

There’s 2 steps :

Step 1 – Use the WordPress Template Hierarchy to name the file according to which archive you want to customize. By default, the template is named archive.php.

Step 2 – Upload the file to your child themes root directory.

Register or login to access the download folder containing the template :

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