4 Ways To Add a Text Link On Single Entries Back To The Taxonomy Term Archive Its Assigned To

This tutorial provides 4 different code snippets which you can use to add :

  1. Custom text ( unlinked, before your back link )
  2. A link back to the taxonomy term archive page the single CPT entry is assigned to.

The code snippets also enable you to print ( output ) the taxonomy term name and/or link on archive pages types for CPT’s and other taxonomies including category and tag archive pages.

Here’s a look at the output for the 4 code snippets :

Link To Taxonomy Term Archive Page

In this screenshot, you can see the 4 links all with text before the link which all link back to the taxonomy term archive, as seen in the video demo. In this case, the term is named Type One however the code will dynamically add the links using your term name.

You can use any one of these 4 snippets in any Genesis hook position

Demo Video #

Shows 4 links added using 4 different methods to link single entries back to their respective taxonomy term archive pages,

Tested using the Infinity Pro and Genesis Sample child themes by StudioPress.

Installation Steps #

There’s 3 steps :

One response to “4 Ways To Add a Text Link On Single Entries Back To The Taxonomy Term Archive Its Assigned To”

  1. Lauren Keswick Avatar
    Lauren Keswick

    Got it-This works great- thank you!

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