Customize The Post Info In The Genesis Featured Posts Widget

The code in this download folder enables you to modify the default value output for all default parameters included in the Genesis Featured Posts widget.

In this case, the post info shortcodes have been modified so only the post date is displayed regardless of what shortcodes are included in the widgets post info input field.

This means there’s no need to remove any shortcodes from the widget settings.

Only Show Date Genesis Featured Posts Widget

Shows the modified version of the Genesis Featured Posts widget displaying the post date only regardless of how many shortcodes are included in the widgets post info field and regardless of whether the widgets Show Post Info setting is checked or unchecked.

Demo Video #

You can use this code to modify the featured posts widget via the safety of any Genesis child theme and your modifications won’t be removed when Genesis is updated.

You can also use this code to hard code any of the widget settings so any modification to the widget settings will not effect the output so its impossible for users to change the widget settings.

Installation Steps #

There’s 2 steps :

Step 1 – Upload the file named class.Custom_Featured_Posts.php to your child theme folder. Same level as your functions file.

Download Folder

Step 2 – Copy & paste the following PHP code to the end of your child themes functions.php file.

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