Different Featured Image For Archive Pages in Genesis

The code in this download folder enables you to add a special featured image which only displays on archives. The image you add will be different to the image displayed on single posts and pages.

Custom Archive Featured Image

The code enables you to :

  • Add the archive only image using a custom field plugin like ACF or any other custom field plugin.
  • Add your archive only image using custom fields native to WordPress.
  • Use the Genesis > Theme Settings > Content Archives settings to choose your featured image size and alignment.

Demo Video

Shows a custom image added using ACF or WordPress custom fields ( by Image ID which you can see when viewing the image attachment details page ) displayed on archive pages using the content archive settings to choose the size and alignment.

Tested using the Genesis Sample & Navigation Pro child themes by StudioPress.

Installation Steps

  1. # Remove or comment out the code for the genesis_do_post_image function located inside the navigation-pro > lib > image-functions.php like this :

    Step 1

  3. # Copy & paste the PHP code from the functions.php file to the end of your Navigation Pro themes functions file or to the end of the image-functions file.

    Step 2

  5. # Using ACF or WordPress custom fields, create a new field named archive_image. If using ACF, import file named 72894-acf.json file. If using WordPress fields, create a field like you see in the following screenshot and add the image id to the value field like this :

    Step 3

Download Folder

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