Membership F.A.Q’s

I only want 1 months membership. How does that work?

Please cancel your subscription now. You will still receive full access and support for 1 entire month. When you sign up, PayPal or Stripe create a monthly subscription so you need to cancel now or before the end of the 1st month if you only want 1 months access.

How do i cancel?

You have several options : To cancel your subscription, you can remove the subscription profile from PayPal manually. To do this please login to PayPal and Go To > My Account > Profile > My Money > My Pre Approved Payments > Click the Update link and delete/cancel or remove the profile. Or, you can login and click the cancel link on the account subscription details page. Another option is to remove your account or credit card from your Stripe account.

How do i print invoices?

Login and go to Account Subscription Details where you can view invoices for each monthly payment. Click the invoice link to display the invoice and the print link. You can change your user profile name once logged in if needed.

Whats covered & whats not

As a member of this site, you are welcome to ask any questions however i don’t have all the answers so can only guarantee support for all existing PHP code on this site. All the PHP code on this site has either been written by me or modified by me from GPL sources therefore i understand how the code works and can support it. Code from 3rd party sources like non StudioPress themes and plugins is not covered unless i have written about it on this site. As always, if i know the answer and can provide the solution, i always will for members.

NEW : Login to PayPal and click Profile > Profile and settings > Financial Information > My pre-approved payments > Click the Update link and click the merchant link > On the Billing Details page, cancel the Status.

This is the best way to insure you are not billed again. You’ll still be able to login and access members only content after removing your subscription for 1 month after the day of your last payment. After this date, your user profile will be removed from and you will no longer have access. You can sign up again using the same/different username and email address at anytime in the future. Another option is to use this link

Does membership include custom CSS?

CSS is included in tutorials where required.

If you’re a beginner with no understanding of CSS and need some help, you will receive help to modify CSS in your theme however this is limited to the themes default CSS or CSS from existing tutorials. Support for 3rd party CSS, including Media Queries and adjustment/modification of Media Queries for responsiveness, is not covered, including your own modifications or additions.

You’ll also need to provide access to a live site so elements can be inspected using browser development tools otherwise support for installation of CSS is not provided.

You’ll need to have a basic understanding of how to use a browser development tool like Firebug, Chrome Inspector or Web Inspector.

I modified/messed up my code. Can you fix it?

If you’re getting an error message caused by PHP code, this will be fixed under membership however there’s no guarantee it will be fixed if its caused by 3rd party code or code from a plugin.

If you modified your CSS and its caused problems, this is not covered under membership. You can replace your style.css file and start again.

I’m working locally, can you take a look at my code?

Its impossible to inspect your code if you have installed WordPress locally.

If you need help with installing or modifying any CSS, HTML or jQuery, you will need to provide full access to a live site.

Simply sending your style sheet is not sufficient because it does not accurately replicate your installation as it does not include all your content and exactly the same conditions as you experience locally.

Can you set up my site for me?

Sure can. Use this form for setup.

My sites in maintenance mode, can you login and fix my code?

If you want the fastest help, please link to a live site which is fully accessible otherwise there may be delays.

I’m new to Genesis & StudioPress themes, can you help?

You’ve come to the right place. WP Sites includes over 500 tutorials and thousands of code snippets to help you modify, customise and tweak your StudioPress child theme.

If you get stuck with using any tutorials, use the members form and you’ll get the help you need.

Is modification to 3rd party plugins covered?

In most cases, no, unless i have written about them. As there’s over 35,000 plugins hosted in the official plugins directory, its impossible for any organization to gain the experience required to offer modification support for all plugins.

However, some plugins include filters which enable you to modify the plugins default functionality via your child theme. Some modification support is offered for plugins which are included in the setup of StudioPress Pro child themes like: Genesis eNews Extended widget & AgentPress Pro Listings plugin

Is modification for widgets included?

If you need any of the default widgets in Genesis like the featured posts or page widgets modified, this is included in membership

If you need any of the native widgets included in WordPress modified like the recent posts widget or any of the other standard widgets included in all WordPress installations, most modification requests will be covered depending on the extent of modification

What themes does membership support?

Generally, StudioPress Pro child themes are supported and recommended.

However, as there’s several dozen tutorials relating to the customization of non SP themes, the code in these tutorials is also fully supported

Will the monthly membership price increase?

Yes. The current price for monthly membership is $49.99. If you signup at that price, it will never increase for you. If you’ve signed up at a lower price and the price increases, you’re locked in at the lower price while you remain a member.

How many questions can i ask per month?

If your questions relate to any of the existing PHP code already published on this site, you are welcome to ask as many questions as you like.

The code no longer works in the Genesis Sample theme. How long will it take to fix?

Generally child themes aren’t updated however the Genesis Sample theme is meaning any code tested on that theme may no longer work on newer versions of the theme. To get the code working on the new version may take some time which cannot be estimated. Its not about how long to spend working on the solution, its about working out a fix which is impossible to estimate.

Can i get a refund?

Please contact me before signup if you are unsure whats covered and whats not covered under membership. Refunds cannot be given after you sign up and receive support and access to premium content

For other pre-membership questions, please contact me directly using email, Google Hangouts or FaceTime.