Add Product Meta To Shop Loop Archives – WooCommerce


This code adds 5 custom checkboxes to your themes customizer settings which enable you to show or hide product meta on your shop loop archive. The product meta you can display or remove includes :

  • Sku – Shows your products stock keeping number
  • Stock Status – Shows In Stock or Out of Stock
  • Category Archive Link
  • Tag Archive Link
  • Custom Taxonomy Term Archive Link

The solution is coded using a template file which enables easy modification via the safety of your woocommerce folder in your child theme.

Show Product Meta Shop Loop WooCommerce

Installation Steps

There’s 2 steps :

  1. # Copy & paste the PHP code from the functions.php file to the end of your child themes functions file or custom functionality or code snippets plugin.
  2. # Upload the woocommerce folder to your child theme folder or copy over the folder inside to your existing woocommerce folder. This folder includes a template you can safely modify to change the output of any product meta shown on the shop loop.

Customizer Settings

Here’s the custom settings for shop loop archives added to your customizer.

Customizer Shop Loop Product Meta Settings - WooCommerce