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Custom Product Loop – WooCommerce

This code uses WP_Query to give you the most basic starting point when developing a custom loop for display WooCommerce products in any WordPress theme.

Using a code editor, copy & paste the following PHP code to the end of your child themes functions file or custom functionality plugin and load a single product page on your WooCommerce powered site.

You’ll find a list of 3 products now display after your single product as seen in the following images :

Sample Products Loop


Copy and paste the PHP code to the end of your child themes functions file.

You can use any WP_Query parameters to control exactly which products are shown in this loop.

Let’s add a custom query argument to control the order in which products are displayed.

The arg we add, consists of a parameter orderby and value rand

The code producing this output on the front end which is 3 products, in random order from any category, in this case, the clothing & shoes categories because we have NOT added an arg to control which category the products come from.


Lets control which category products come from by adding an arg for 1 specific category named clothing.

The arg we add, consists of a parameter product_cat and value clothing. The value we use is the permalink slug for the clothing category.

The code producing this output on the front end which is 3 products, in random order from the clothing category only.


This tutorial gives you a basic understanding of how to use a new WP_Query to show any products you want in a custom loop using WooCommerce.

Positioning Your Products

The code includes the woocommerce_after_single_product hook which displays your product after the single product. To change this position, change the hook in the function to any other using WooCommerce Hooks

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