Custom Placeholder Image On All Product & Page Types in WooCommerce

Code Demo

The code in this download folder enables you to use a custom image as the placeholder image. The code replaces the default placeholder image on :

  • Single product pages.
  • All archive page types including shop and product category archives.
  • Ancestor pages for child and child or child pages etc.
  • For single product pages assigned to any taxonomy level including parent, child, child of child etc.

In this example, we use the thumbnail image uploaded on the edit category page as the new placeholder for all products assigned to that category. If none added, the default placeholder will be used.

This way, you can use the code to display the category thumbnail on single products and/or all archive page types including the shop and category archives.

The code uses filters without removing any default functions using hooks.


There’s only 1 step : Copy and paste the PHP code to the end of your child themes functions file


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