Custom Site Title for Woo Stripe Payment Transactions

Code Demo

This tiny plugin enables you to change your websites site title when sent to Stripe for payment of products on your site. By default, WooCommerce sends the site title set in your WordPress Dashboards > Settings > General > Site Title.

This plugin enables you to change that title to anything you desire only for Stripe order descriptions which display on your payment transactions.

All you need to do is add your custom site title for Stripe.


Install the Custom Site Title for Stripe plugin like any other WordPress plugin and navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Stripe Title.


Tested using Stripe test mode with Stripe Payment Plugins in test mode.

Other Payment Gateways

This plugin works with any payment gateways you add using Stripe including Google Pay. Apple Pay, Amazon Pay and a whole list of others Stripe enables you to choose from.


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