Min Max Quantity Discounts Plugin with no max for WooCommerce

Code Demo

This mini plugin for WooCommerce enables you to display a table showing your customers what discount they get based on quantity. The plugin :

  • Adds a checkbox to enable the table on a per product basis.
  • Includes fields to add custom header names for each table column.
  • Includes a repeater field for adding unlimited rows with a simple click.
  • 1st column is used for the min quantity
  • 2nd column is used for max quantity. If no maximum quantity is added, the plugin will add a + sign to the minimum quantity as seen in the image below.
  • 3rd column is used for custom text, in this example we use Sheets and Rolls which are variation values for the size attribute.
  • 4th column is used for discount percentage.

Here’s the backend fields on the single product page showing how easy it is to setup your quantity range discounts table on a single variable product page :

And here’s the output on the frontend for paying customers, all header row text is entered by you the storeowner :

Includes less than a page of CSS making it easy to style using your custom CSS via your child theme or custom CSS field.


The latest version of this plugin includes a menu enabling easy positioning on your single product page with a choice of 10 different locations.


One click installation like any other plugin and then enter your data on your single product page as seen the screenshot above and demo video.

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