Table Fields Plugin for WooCommerce

Code Demo

This mini plugin enables you to add custom content to any number of rows in WooCommerce. You can also add custom table headers and unique content on any single product page. The plugin :

  • Adds a checkbox to your single product edit page which enables the user to toggle open custom fields on a per product basis.
  • Once the checkbox is checked, the fields display for both the table column headers and repeatable fields for table row content.
  • Rows can be added and removed by the click of a button per product.
  • Enables you to customize the admin styling of the fields in the admin.css file.
  • Works on any product type including variable products and others.

Single Product Page

You can style your table to change the default output on the frontend simply by using custom CSS. You can add your CSS to the and of your child themes style.css file, modify the default CSS in the plugins style.css file or add your CSS in the editor fields.

Demo Video

Shows you how easy it is to create a custom table per product for your single product pages using WooCommerce.

Plugin or Code?

To activate the functionality using the plugin, its one click installation like any other plugin. If you prefer not to use the plugin, you can copy and paste the code into your child theme. PHP code goes in functions.php and CSS in your style.css file.

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