Buy This Amount Get This Number Free WooCommerce

This PHP code enables you to target specific products to promote for discounts offering buy a set quantity of a specific product and get a set number for free. In this example, we use buy 10 get 2 free however you can simply change the numbers to anything you like.

Here’s an example of the output on the cart page :

Here’s the code for your child themes functions.php file

add_action('woocommerce_cart_calculate_fees', 'buy_ten_get_two_free', 10, 1 );
function buy_ten_get_two_free( $cart ){
    if ( is_admin() && ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) ) return;

    // Set HERE your targeted variable products IDs
    $targeted_product_ids = array( 185 );

    $each_n_items = 10; // Number of items required to get a two free
    $free_items_count = 2; // Number of free items to give
    $discount = 0; // Initializing
    $count_items = 0; // Initializing counter for eligible items

    foreach ( $cart->get_cart() as $cart_item ) {
        if( in_array( $cart_item['product_id'], $targeted_product_ids ) ) {
            $qty = intval( $cart_item['quantity'] );
            $count_items += $qty;

    // Calculate number of free items
    $free_items = floor( $count_items / $each_n_items ) * $free_items_count;

    // Calculate total price of items eligible for discount
    foreach ( $cart->get_cart() as $cart_item ) {
        if( in_array( $cart_item['product_id'], $targeted_product_ids ) ) {
            $qty = intval( $cart_item['quantity'] );
            $price = floatval( $cart_item['data']->get_price() );

            // Calculate how many items are eligible for discount
            $eligible_qty = min( $qty, $free_items );

            // Calculate the discount based on eligible quantity
            $discount += $eligible_qty * $price;

            // Deduct the eligible items from free_items count
            $free_items -= $eligible_qty;

    if ( $discount > 0 ) {
        // Displaying a custom notice (optional)
        wc_add_notice( __("Buy 10 Get 2 Free"), 'notice');

        // Apply the discount
        $cart->add_fee( __("Buy 10 Get 2 Free"), -$discount, true  );

Code Settings

You’ll need to make a few small adjustments to the code above.

  • Swap out the 185 with the product ID you want to target
  • Swap out the 10 to match the number of items your customer needs to buy to get 2 free
  • Swap out the 2 to match the number of items your customers get for free for very 10 they pay for

Note : Your customers will get 2 free for every 10 they purchase so if they purchase 100, they will get 20 for free.

The code is limited in that it it only targets 1 specific product however you can add comma separated products ids to target more than 1 product.

Need an extended version of this code? Try the free products based on quantity plugin for WooCommerce.

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