Add Front Page Template With Video To New Versions Of Monochrome Pro Using Blocks

This tutorial provides the code which adds the front page template for widget areas back to the new versions of Monochrome Pro which are coded to use blocks.

The front-page.php file also includes code to add a video background behind the front page 1 widget area replacing the background image added via the customizer.

The video, added via the customizer, displays behind the front page 1 widget & site header on desktops then below the header on smaller screens once the responsive menu is activated.

Demo Video

Shows the front page 1 widget background image replaced with a video added via the customizer and the entire front page widget areas added from the old version of Monochrome Pro to the new block versions.

Installation Steps

There’s 4 steps :

  1. # Upload the customize.php file to the lib folder replacing the default customize.php file.

  3. # Copy & paste the PHP code from the functions.php file to the end of your Monochrome Pro themes functions file.

  5. # Upload the front-page.php file to your Monochrome Pro theme folder like this :

  7. # Upload the style-front.css file to your Monochrome Pro theme folder like this :

Download Folder

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2 responses to “Add Front Page Template With Video To New Versions Of Monochrome Pro Using Blocks”

  1. Daniel Verloop Avatar
    Daniel Verloop

    I followed every step, I now have the frontpage widgets back and in the customizer I have the option to set a background video. But after selecting a video in my media library, it shows in the ‘set background video’, I save it, but the video is not displayed.

    Please advise.

    1. Hello Daniel. Please link to your live site. Which version of Monochrome Pro are you using?

      Note: You can also use this method if using blocks.

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