Themes for WordPress – Video 10

When you install WordPress for the very first time, you’ll find it comes with the default theme for WordPress named Twenty Eleven.

Themes are pre built and provide a range of design options which enable you to change the look and feel of your sites appearance.

There’s both free and premium themes which you can install in WordPress.

Here’s more resources which will help you choose and customize the theme you choose to install on your WordPress installation.

Once you play around with different themes, you’ll get a better idea on what you need for your site.

Here’s a few lists of different types of premium and free themes you might find helpful when searching for the ultimate theme for your site.

Changing Themes

Changing themes down the track can cause problems with left over functions that only work on one particular theme framework.

Choosing a theme built on a solid framework which is made by a developer who provides a large range of themes makes it far easier to change themes down the track.

If you do decide to use a free theme, i suggest you use one which is built on a premium framework. This way you can change to a premium theme down the track without the hassle of leftovers and formatting problems caused by your old theme.

Here’s a list of free themes, built on premium theme frameworks:

Next Video

Next up, we’ll check out how to install a theme to your WordPress site.

One response to “Themes for WordPress – Video 10”

  1. […] that you’ve learn’t how to manage themes for WordPress, its time to learn how to customize your theme […]

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