How To Make a Divi Child Theme

You can download and install the zip file at the end of this post once you have installed the Divi parent theme.

The download contains 2 files :

  1. A functions.php file containing PHP code which loads the parent themes style sheet from Divi.
  2. A style.css file which enables you to override the parent themes styles by adding custom CSS after the style sheet header.

Functions File

The functions.php file containing this PHP code :

Once you download and install this Divi child theme, you can then add custom PHP to this functions file.

Style Sheet

The style.css file contains a style sheet header :

Once you download and install this Divi child theme, you can then add custom CSS rules after the style sheet header in this style.css file which will over-ride your Divi parent themes styles.

Download Divi Child Theme

Get Divi Parent Theme

Related Child Themes

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