Users Profile in WordPress – Video 16

WordPress offers a membership  feature to add different types of users for your blog.

The members feature can be further enhanced by installing plugins depending on which type of blog you want to create.

The different types of user roles and their capabilities include:

  • Administrator – Full access and capabilities
  • Subscriber – Read & manage own profile only
  • Author – Publish & manage own posts only
  • Editor – Publish posts & pages as well as manage author & contributor posts
  • Contributor – Write & manage own posts but not publish

This means you can use WordPress for a variety of different purposes.

You can create new users and assign them to different roles which gives them certain capabilities depending on the role you want them to be responsible for.

Configuring the settings in your user profile page is one of the crucial configurations you should make before you start blogging.

Your User Profile

One of the first things you should do after you install WordPress is create your own profile and add a Bio.

If your theme includes an author box, your Bio will be included in this box.

Go to Users > Your Profile where you’ll find you can also change your password.

Here’s some more resources which will help you learn more about users:

Next Video

We’ll now take a look at the General Settings for WordPress.

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