Fixed Dollar Amount Discount On 2nd Item Only in WooCommerce

Code Demo

This plugin contains 2 PHP code snippets which enable you to set a fixed cart discount when more than 1 item is purchased for :

  • All products
  • Only products in specific categories

The fixed discount is only applied to the 2nd item when the quantity of the same product is greater than 1.

Fixed Quantity Discount On 2nd Item Only in WooCommerce


Install the .zip folder as a plugin and activate.

Comment out the function you don’t want to use.

The 1st function applies to all products.

The 2nd function only works when the product belongs to a specific category. Example : category slug cat1.

Swap out the value for the discount from 20 to match your fixed discount amount.

Note : You can copy & paste the PHP code to the end of your child themes functions file if you don’t want to install another plugin.

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