How To Republish an Old Blog Post

Republishing old blog posts is very easy and would normally be needed when you make significant changes to the content.

Today i changed an old post by adding the images in a gallery.

The old images where no longer relevant and several of my readers where asking for more up to date information. I thought i should republish the same post with totally different content rather than create a new one.

To republish an old post, go to the Publish box in the top right hand corner of the Edit Post screen and click on the Edit link next to Publish immediately.

Edit Post screen - Publish Box

Simply change the date to a future date later today or tomorrow and click ok then click Publish to Schedule the post for republishing.

Your original post will now be republished at the time you scheduled it.

Schedule Post to Republish
The reason i wanted to republish the new content that in added was because i wanted it to be sent to my RSS subscribers as i know several where looking for help on this subject.

Other Benefits of Republishing

If the old post has incoming links and page rank (PR) then its better to improve the quality of the content rather than add duplicate content on the same topic.

Each page on your site is assigned what is called Page Rank and also Page authority which is built up over time.

New pages don’t have any authority so it will be harder to climb the search engine ranks.

4 responses to “How To Republish an Old Blog Post”

  1. […] tidak ada perkembangan yang lebih baik, maka saya putuskan untuk melakukan publikasi ulang (Republishing) artikel target […]

  2. But the problem would be that the old post will dissapear in the mean time..

  3. Subair Thuquba Avatar
    Subair Thuquba

    I cannot access to my dashboard to edit or post my blogs. It shows a you tube version of help and something like this instead of edit and page views, posts etc. How can i reach the page which shows edit and page views?

    1. How did this happen? You may need to contact support

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