Woo Commerce Plugin for Selling Online Using WordPress

Woo Themes have been working hard for over a year on their new eCommerce plugin.

The plugin is based on the Jigoshop eCommerce shopping cart plugin.

WooCommerce is the name of the new plugin and its free.

Its an advanced version of the Jigishop plugin with more features and options.

They have also released 6 new eCommerce themes, one of which is based on the WooStore Magento theme created over one year ago.

They have also created dozens of new premium extensions for Gateways, Shipping and Misc. extensions.


General Settings

General Settings


The reports screen is large and easy to analyse with all the sales reports you need as well as easy access to customers details and stock reports.

WooCommerce Reports

The reports screen offers lost of sales data and is easy to read. You also get quick access to customer details and stock.






Adding New Products

If you know how to use the WordPress editor then you’ll find adding new products using Woo Commerce pretty straight forward

Add New Product

Packed with tons of features and options which give you heaps of flexibility when setting up WooCommerce.  Setup took me less than one hour and it was the easiest free eCommerce shopping cart plugin i have ever worked with.


WooCommerce comes with several shortcodes which can be used to insert content inside posts and pages.

The following shortcodes can be used anywhere you want:

– Lists recent products – useful on the homepage.

The per page limits the amount of recent products shown, and the columns attribute controls how many columns wide the products should be before wrapping.

– Works exactly the same as recent products but displays products which have been set as “featured”.

– Show a single product by ID

– Show a single product by SKU

– Show multiple products by ID

– Show multiple products by SKU



Woo provide the best range of tools you need to make your own eCommerce shop and sell online.

  • Choose an eCommerce theme
  • Install the free Woo Commerce plugin
  • Choose the eCommerce extensions you need to collect payment and shipping modules to manage delivery of your goods to your customers.

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