Hyper Cache Plugin for WordPress Blogs With Limited Resources

Hyper Cache is a fairly new caching plugin for WordPress created especially for blogs hosted on shared servers which generally offer low resources like limited CPU & Ram.

It’s already been downloaded over 200k times and was recommended to me by one of my hosts.

I installed the plugin on another blog hosted on a shared server provided by Bluehost which is exactly the type of environment Hyper Cache is made for.

How To Setup Hyper Cache Plugin

Once you have installed & activated the plugin, go to the settings page where you’ll find this Important notice –

To use this working mode, you must add to the file wp-config.php (at its beginning after the <?php) the line of code: define('WP_CACHE', true);.,

If you are not familiar with your wp-config.php file, you should seek help from your web developer or server administrator and always backup your files & databases before editing php files on your server.

Let’s now take a look at the different sections on the plugins Settings Page.


Hyper Cache - Status Settings

The status screen shows the cleaning process which deletes cached pages hourly so any new content may take up to one hour to show across the web if you don’t delete the cache after adding new content.


Hyper Cache - Configuration Settings

If you need help with configuring Hyper Cache, your best bet is to read more on the plugin authors blog or post a question on the Help page.

Configuration for Mobile Devices

Hyper Cache - Configuration Settings for Mobile Devices
Integrates with the WordPress Mobile Pack plugin


Hyper Cache - Compression Settings
Only the text part of the page will be compressed not images

Advanced Options

Hyper Cache Advanced Options
WordPress redirects are cached which reduces processing times


If you need to exclude any pages or posts you can filter them out here

Hyper Cache - Filter Settings

If you’re suffering from slow loading pages and site speed a caching plugin will certainly help as your pages are saved for faster loading.

However, caching is only one solution of many which should be considered when optimizing your web pages for speed and reducing server resources.

If you are suffering from CPU throttling or downtime because your site is using too many resources and hitting memory limits, the Hyper Cache plugin is one of the best caching solutions.

If the plugin isn’t caching your pages properly, two other popular caching plugins are W3 Total Cache & WP Super Cache.

2 responses to “Hyper Cache Plugin for WordPress Blogs With Limited Resources”

  1. frajerlol Avatar

    I’m using this plug-in and it’s really great. The website loads much much faster but I have a problem. The admin page is very very slower when using this plug-in. When I surf as a guest the website is super fast, but if I log in as admin the loading time is just ridiculous

    1. Know how you feel. I guess the easy solution is to deactivate the plugin when you login to your dashboard and reactivate it again when you logout

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