Your Best Chance To Rank a Keyword First Page on Google Using Cornerstone Content

A common problem bloggers and webmasters are looking to solve is ‘whats the best way to rank a keyword first page of Google’?

In my opinion, based on my own experience, creating a main page/post that you focus the keyword you are trying to rank using what some call ‘cornerstone content’ is a solution which works.

Google Keyword RankYou’ll also need to create other posts that link internally to your cornerstone content page so you pass link juice to it and build up its rank.

Here’s another way to explain cornerstone content.

As an example, if you choose to try and rank for Best cake recipes, you would want to create a single post for each cake recipe and include all the most vital content for that particular recipe within the individual posts content.

Include content based on related keywords which are popular and useful for the ingredients, mixing and baking that cake recipe.

You’ll also need to check what the most vital parts (keywords) for Best Cake Recipes are. Google wants to give its searchers what they want, content that’s vital to the search query and content that’s both relevant to the keyword(s) as well as content that is also useful.

Ranking Keyword on Google

After completing keyword research, you’ll probably find best carrot, chocolate and vanilla cake recipes are the most popular so creating an individual post for each, then creating a single cornerstone post or page for 3 best cake recipes should work well.

After looking at the related searches in Google’s search results pages, you’ll see best birthday cake recipe could also be included.

The reason for this is that when you complete keyword research you’ll find the most popular keywords involve ingredients and baking as this content is vital to making a cake.

Cornerstone Content Ideas

Another way to explain how to rank a keyword first page on Google is to create a list of the 10 best whatever (related to your site) or 5 ways to whatever. A list of the best ways to solve common problems related to your industry or your sites overall topic will be the most useful content for your readers.

Your site might be about cakes or mobile phones, it doesn’t matter.

Write one post for each 10 whatever and include the most important information that’s vital to the use of the product or service you are writing the top 10 list about.

Example of Cornerstone Content

Now this cornerstone content doesn’t rank that well at the moment because i recently changed domains but it did rank first page on Google for Best Seo Plugins before.

The post includes 8 of the best WordPress seo plugins and many of these plugins also contain a link to an individual post about that particular plugin. These internal links give it lots of link juice and support and are all related information vital to the use of each plugin.

The best way to start learning how to create cornerstone content that ranks well in search engines is to create your own list. You can start with the best 3 products, services, methods or tips related to your own sites topic and then create individual posts about each 3.

Internal Linking

Make sure you link the most crucial related keywords from your list to each individual post and link back to your main page/post using the keyword you want to rank for. I think its better to use variations of the keyword you are focusing your cornerstone content on which all have the same meaning.

You can create internal links manually or use a plugin like Seo Smart Links.

The way i link related content internally is to paste the keyword into the posts search box to find which posts contain related content which i can then link back to the cornerstone content.

Then promote the cornerstone page or post as well as each post.

If its done properly, you cornerstone content will become popular, gain links from your readers and be shared more than most other posts on your site.

The most important parts of creating cornerstone content are:

  • create the cornerstone page
  • create related posts for each main cornerstone item
  • link the correct keywords internally
  • promote your content using an effective content distribution system.

I’ll be writing more about how to create cornerstone content to rank well in the search engine results soon.

Have any tips on cornerstone content and how to rank first page on Google for one keyword?

Have you created this type of content which attracts links before?

3 responses to “Your Best Chance To Rank a Keyword First Page on Google Using Cornerstone Content”

  1. […] Using your webinar series as cornerstone content doesn’t just deliver massive value to your customers. It also signals authority and trust to search engines, increasing your organic search traffic (and growing your company). WP Sites says cornerstone content is your best chance to rank a keyword on the first page of Google search results. […]

  2. Nice article, but i have a doubt regarding “Best cake recipes” which you suggested above. From the example i understand that i should be writing posts/pages for best cake recipe and create a cornerstone post which has links for all posts regarding keyword i am targeting.
    my question is should I be writing cornerstone post for my recipe site. Even if all my posts are SEO optimized using Yoast plugin.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      You can use posts or pages however your cornerstone content should be your best work which you include in your main menu or sidebar.

      You can then build internal links to that url and promote it on a regular basis.

      This is what Copy blogger do with there free guides and eCourses.

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