WordPress Import Tool For Moving Tumblr to WordPress

If you’ve read this article on free hosted blogging then you may have decided to move from Tumblr to WordPress as there are many benefits.

You’ll find your content will build rank  on your own unique domain rather than an extension of Tumblr’s domain.

WordPress have now made this very easy  as they have included the tumblr import tool into the latest version of WordPress 3.3

Free Tumblr To WordPress Migration

Don’t forget we offer a free set & migration service from any free hosted blogging platform to your own self hosted WordPress.org powered site.

In this tutorial for WordPress beginners, i’ll show you step by step, the easiest and best way to import all your Tumblr content into your own self hosted WordPress.org powered blog.

Create a New WordPress Blog

The very first step is to create a WordPress blog

You’ll need to install WordPress to your web hosts server on your very own domain so you can login and access the Tumblr import tool from your WordPress admin panel.

You may also find my free Guide to Getting Started with WordPress helpful.

Installing Tumblr Import Tool

Once you have installed WordPress to your web server, login and navigate to the Tools section in the left hand side bar of your WordPress admin panel or Dashboard.

WordPress Tools

Click on the Import link under Tools

WordPress Tools - Import - Tumblr

Once you’ve clicked on the Tumblr link you’ll need to click Install Now

Install Tumblr Importer

After you click Install, you’ll need to click the Activate Plugin & Run Importer link as well.

Active Tumblr Importer

After you have activated the plugin, you’ll need to enter you Tumblr login details including email address & password.

Enter Tumblr Login Details

Once you have entered your Tumblr email address & password, click the Connect to Tumblr button.

Once you have clicked the Connect button, you can select which Tumblr blog you wish to import if you have more than one like me.

Import Tumblr Blog Posts

Otherwise, click the Import This Blog button under the Action column and you’ll then see the button change to In Progress.

Importing your Tumblr blod posts to WordPress can take some time as Tumblr’s servers are often overloaded so check back later.

If the import fails for some reason, click the Clear Account Information under the Restart section and try again.

Video – Tumblr to WordPress

Tumblr have some awesome themes to choose from however those themes are now becoming available for WordPress self hosted bloggers as well.

Why build up domain authority and links to a Tumblr extension when you can build up links to your own domain on the worlds most popular free blogging software, WordPress.

Moving Tumblr to WordPress has never been easier.

4 responses to “WordPress Import Tool For Moving Tumblr to WordPress”

  1. How can I display the tumblr post in a specific page in wordpress?

    1. That would be duplicate content and won’t help your search rankings.

      You can easily import Tumblr content into WordPress but its not a good idea to post exactly the same content.

      You could copy and paste an excerpt into WordPress and link back to Tumblr.

  2. Desiree Anne Avatar
    Desiree Anne


    i was wondering if there’s a way i can manage the posts from tumblr.. for example, iv been using tumblr for 3yrs and i dont want all those imported in Word Press.. is there a way to select only the recent posts? or do i really have to do it manually? 🙁
    also if im on tumblr and i dont want to post it on wordpress, is that possible? like i have a checkbox whether or not to share it to twitter.. does that apply to wordpress?

    1. Desiree

      You could import all posts and then delete the ones you don’t want on WordPress by category or date

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