How To Create a Sticky Post in WordPress

sticky_postCreating a sticky post is really easy and will place your post at the top of all your other posts like a featured post.

Under the publish module in your WordPress post edit screen you’ll find and Edit link next to Visibility.

Check the box stick this post to the front page to make this post sticky and click publish or update if the post has already been published.

Sticky Post

Thats it, your post will now be displayed at the top of all your other posts regardless of whether you use your front page or a sub directory to display your posts.

Next time you publish new posts,  they will all be displayed underneath your sticky post.

Next time i’ll show you how to add a nice feature ribbon to your sticky post to make it stand out more and attract more clicks.


4 responses to “How To Create a Sticky Post in WordPress”

  1. Thank you for explaining the sticky post concept. Could you write a tutorial on how to make the navigation sticky? I am using modern portfolio theme of genesis framework
    Thanks and regards

    1. Only if you connect the email address you used when submitting this comment to a account!!

      1. Toda Namiki Avatar
        Toda Namiki


        I am not sure what you mean by the above comments. I have NEVER submitted this comment to In fact, right after seeing, I visited website. But there was nothing. Mayvbe could you elaborate on what you just said?


        1. Hi Toda. Didn’t mean that. What i meant was, i’ll write the tutorial if you sign up for a Gravatar so your avatar image next to your comments contains a headshot rather than a default image of the Gravatar logo.

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