How To Increase Your Keywords Positions In Google Search Engine Results

Getting enough search engine traffic to your blog? If you’re not ranked in the top 3 on the first page of Google’s search engine results then you need to increase your keyword positions.

The latest data for Click through rates prove that the top 3 positions in Google SERPS get nearly 60% of all the traffic.

Did you know that you’ll get more traffic from being top of page 2 than bottom of page one?

Top 3 CTR’s in Google’s Search Engine Results

Here’s an example of what percentage of the traffic you’ll be getting if you’re in the first 3 results:

Top 3 Keyword Positions- Google SERPS

If you’re ranked below 3 and want to move up a few positions, you’ll need to use some pretty smart Seo tools to get there.

If you’re NOT on the first page of Google’s results then you’ll be getting less than 2% of the traffic which click through’s for that keyword.

Based on a sample of over 8 million impressions across the Chitika network, these are the figures for the top 20 Google positions:

Top 20 Google Traffic Positions.
Source: Search Engine Watch

This image clearly shows how crucial it is to get on the first page of Google’s results

The first step to increase your keyword ranking positions is to find out what keywords you are currently ranking for and what position they are ranked in Google’s search engine results.

Finding Out Your Keyword Positions

Simply entering the main focus keyword of a blog post into the Google search box won’t give you the real position.

There’s several tools which will display all your keywords with ranking positions in the different search engines simply by entering in your domain name.

Some of these Seo tools also display the keyword rankings of your competitors as well as the source of the incoming links to your competitors URL’s.

3 Tools Which Measure Your Keyword Positions

  1. Google Webmaster Tools displays a list of all the keywords contained in your content and the average position of each keyword. Go to Your site on the web > Search Queries for the data.
  2. Market Samurai displays all your keywords and as well as your competitions keyword ranking positions in all the major search engines. You can try it for free here.
  3. SEOMoz is advanced Seo software, regarded as the best in the world and used by many professional Seo’s. The software gives you all your keyword rankings and they offer a free trial for 30 days.
Webmaster Tools - Keyword Positions

Increasing Your Keyword Positions

There are many methods you can use to increase your keyword positions in Google’s SERPS.

Link building is one of the most popular methods.

One of the most effective methods when using link building is to try and get a link from another URL which is already above your keyword position in SERPS.

How do you find who’s above you in Google’s search engine results?

Two of the SEO tools i have mentioned above also provide you with this solution.

This post will show you how to find out who the competition is that you are competing against for your keywords and where their links are coming from.

If you search through the top 10 results for your keywords, you should be able to find a URL for some of your keywords where you can place a link which will help increase your position in Google’s SERPS.

If you can increase some of your keyword positions to the first 3 rankings in Google’s search engine results, you should find a substantial lift in traffic to your site.

Have any tips to share which you use to increase your rankings?



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