Using Google Custom Search For Internal Linking Of Keywords in Blog Posts

Google Custom Search for Internal LinksI’m a big user of Google custom search everyday as its by far the easiest and fastest way to find content on my blog. Whenever i’m writing a post i link keywords to related content in other posts.

The reason i added Google custom search to my WordPress site initially was because the default WordPress search wasn’t very accurate. I’ve now discovered customizing Google search, so that it searches this site only, is useful for finding the best post url’s to link my keywords to when completing internal linking for Seo.

I’ve found one of the best ways to find the post url’s to link to the keywords is using Google custom search. Google custom search uses an algorithm which lists the best results first, like Google search, so you can link your posts keywords to the best matching post url’s quickly and easily.

Internal Linking of Keywords

Internal LinksOnce you’ve finished writing your post, go to your Google search box and type in the keywords which are in your post which are related to your content. Type the keywords in and the search results will display a list of results for that keyword(s).

The results will show you whats posts you have on your site which contain content which is related to your new post. You can copy the url and link your keywords to that post url.

There are plugins which automatically link internal keywords which you can install if you prefer not to link your keywords manually.

You can also link back from your previous posts to your new post using this method with Google custom search results.

You can clearly see in the screenshot to the left that the first result is relevant and i have used a link to this post below. The anchor text is internal links.

The second result is not relevant because it linked to a post about broken links.

The Pro’s & Con’s of Google Custom Search

Google custom search is free if you don’t mind having a few ads at the top of the reslts page. I don’t have an adsense account and don’t use custom search to make money.

If you do use Google Adsense then this will be a bonus for you which you are probably aware of.

You can disable the ads on the results pages by paying Google a small fee.

One of the best pro’s about using Google custom search is the accuracy. As mentioned previously, its very accurate and you can customize it so it only searches and displays results for your site.

Check out the benefits of using Google custom search for your website, blog, business or enterprise.

Do you use Google custom search on your WordPress site? Do you use it for internal linking?

What search do you use and what method do you use for internal linking of keywords?

3 responses to “Using Google Custom Search For Internal Linking Of Keywords in Blog Posts”

  1. […] even use Google custom search for internal linking as it ONLY searches this […]

  2. Tarek Reda Avatar
    Tarek Reda

    Hi Brad,
    Thanks for the post.
    Do you know any more details on paying Google the small fee to disable ads?

    1. Tarek

      Simply select the Site Search edition when you create your custom search box

      Standard edition: Free, ads are required on results pages.
      Site Search: Starts at $100 per year, ads are optional on results pages.

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