Print Blog Posts & Convert Your Blog to PDF Using a WordPress Plugin

Searching for a plugin to add PDF & print options to your WordPress blog? The Print Friendly & PDF plugin adds a button allowing you & your readers to print WordPress blog posts & pages or download them as a pdf.

If you are wanting to convert your WordPress blog to PDF, this is one solution you can try.

Rather than open in a new page, this plugin opens in a lightbox displaying options for both printing a web page and converting your blog posts to PDF.

The user then gets the option of removing text and images before printing or saving as a PDF.

The size of the text can also be changed and the document can also be emailed rather than printed.

Enter the URL of your page here to check out what it looks like in print preview.

Print & PDF Friendly gives the user a choice of printing or saving the environment by downloading a PDF instead.

Here’s a screen shot of what it looks like in the lightbox

Print & PDF Friendly Lightbox
Click to View Larger Image in a Lightbox

You can see from the screen shot that you can also add your branding and url back to the original source

Download Print & PDF Friendly Plugin for WordPress

Plugin Settings

  • Choose a button style or use your own icon 
  • Style the button & text colors
  • Choose the margins to fit in with your layout
  • Change the alignment & position if needed
  • Add to posts, pages and/or archives
  • More options for customization of CSS & Javascript

The only thing i didn’t like about this plugin was the alignment of images in the light box preview. However, this plugin offers the options to delete images.

While the plugin can simply be installed an configured using the settings, you can also customize the position you want your buttons to display using custom PHP code.

Installation Using Custom Code

You can easily install the print friendly button by placing the template tag in any template file like your single.php file:

echo pf_show_link();} 

Another option is to used the preferred method of a custom function in your child themes functions.php file. This way you can hook in the button to display in any hook position your theme offers and even use filters.

There’s 2 ways of doing this:

  1. Use the plugins template tag
  2. Use the plugins shortcode

Template Tag In Functions File

Simply paste this code at the end of your child themes functions file:

Shortcode in Custom Function

Or you can use the shortcode in your functions file.

Another option is to simply paste the shortcode in your editor or widget. If you paste it in a widget, you will need to add support for shortcodes in widgets in your functions file.

Note: This plugin includes CSS which enables you to configure the plugin settings to style and position the buttons even when using code to display the button. No need to add extra CSS.

Premium Version

  • Ad-Free: No ads on any pages.
  • Extras: Add your logo and brand name on all prints and PDFs.

Print & PDF Friendly plugin for WordPress is one of the best plugins for offering printing and downloading of your blog content in a PDF.

Have you tried this plugin? What do you think?


4 responses to “Print Blog Posts & Convert Your Blog to PDF Using a WordPress Plugin”

  1. kishan Avatar

    any way to send pdf via email..and this pdf is a password protected…

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Password protect it using MS Word before you save it as a PDF

      1. kishan Avatar

        in my website one form in this form one name field and one email field when i submit this form at that time in this email attach one pdf and password and when user can’t open pdf without that password i want to this type of plugin in wordpress…

  2. Alexandris Avatar

    Or you can use this online tool that works great: I am really happy with it.

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