Upload Your Files & DB From Your Old blog to Your Site

Here at wpsites i get constantly asked a lot, via the contact form, about how to migrate and restore files and databases from an old blog or website to a new blog site address and/or server.

Here’s a real example of a common question asked via the contact form on this site:

ok, i need help!!

I had a prophoto blog on WordPress named www.mydomain.com/blog. I’ve got the database and files backed up and sitting in my downloads on my computer.

I switched host to bluehost and also purchased a new domain which will now be my primary domain and my old domain will point to my new domain.

How can I restore/install/upload my files from my old blog to my new blogsite at my new domain?

Here’s the solution for anyone else how is suffering from the same problem.

Manual Restoration of Files

Restoring your files and database manually to a new host and/or domain on a new server is a lengthy process requiring technical experience. Not sure what your level of experience is.

I’ve written many tutorials on how to do this which you’ll find in the site move category http://wpsites.net/category/site-move/

Easiest Restoration

The easiest way is to restore your site to a new server/host http://wpsites.net/site-move/wordpress-transfer-how-to-move-your-wordpress-blog-to-a-new-server-for-free/

Second Easiest

Using a WordPress plugin to backup and restore to a new domain and server http://wpsites.net/site-move/backup-site-move-wordpress-host-wordpress-plugin/

Still requires server side experience and creation of a new database

If all else fails……

Hire a Migration Expert

Another solution is to hire someone to complete the move for you http://wpsites.net/site-move/

Hope i’ve given you the best list of solutions for Restoring/installing/uploading your files & database from your old blog to your new WordPress blog site.

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