WordPress Multisite – Creating a Network of WordPress Sites

WordPress Multi Site NetworkWordPress multi site enables you to create a network of unlimited WordPress sites which also share the same WordPress installation, theme & plugins.

When you add multiple sites to your network, you aren’t creating individual directory folders on your web server for each site which is normally the case.

You’ll find a video covering the complete process to enable & setup WordPress multisite at the end of this post.

Multisite Reqiurements

Creating a network of WordPress sites reqiures you to edit an existing WordPress installation and add code to:

  1. Your wp-config.php file
  2. Your .htaccess file

Before You Start a Multisite

  1. Best practice dictates you backup these 2 files before proceeding if you are converting an existing WordPress installation into a multisite.
  2. Disable any active plugins in your WordPress dashboard
  3. Make sure the Apache Rewrite module is installed on your server. If not, ask your web server administrator to enable it.
  4. Check that your web host allows the creation of sub-domains.

Allow Multisite

The first step to creating a network of sites is to edit your wp-config.php file and allow multisite. This will add a new tab link under the Tools section in your WordPress admin panel named Network Setup.

Here’s what it will look like:

WordPress Tools - Network Setup

To enable multisite, you’ll need to access your web server using FTP or cPanel and add one line of code to your wp-config.php file.

Open the file and navigate to somewhere around line 83 where you’ll see this text: “/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */”

Enable WordPress Multi Site

Add this code above this line of code /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

define(‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true);

Your file should now look something like this:

Enable WordPress Multisite

Network Setup

You’ll now find a new link under your Tools section named Network Setup. Click this link and you’ll arrive at this screen:

Create a Network of WordPress Sites

Choose sub domains or sub directories

You’ll need to decide whether you want the new sites in your network to be sub domains or sub directories.

If you choose to use sub domains, you’ll need to setup a wildcard DNS record.

Once you’ve made a decision, click Install and you’re on your way to creating a network of WordPress sites using multisite.

Network Setup

There’s 3 steps you’ll need to complete to enable multisite so you can create a network of WordPress sites for your users very similar to what WordPress.com has created.

Enabling The Network

Create a new folder named blogs.dir in  your multisite wp-content folder on your web server. This file folder directory will be used to store media uploads like images and videos.

Enabling the Network - Step 1

Here’s an example of the correct location your should create a new blogs.dir folder in on your web server using cPanel or FTP.

wp-content blogs.dir

Add Code to wp-config.php file

The next step in network setup is to add the code to your wp-config.php file using cPanel or FTP. If you choose to use FTP, you’ll need to use a text editor like notepad++.

Enabling the Network-Step 2 Adding Code in wp-config.php file

Copy & paste the code above this line  /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ .

Here what your wp-config.php should now look like:

wp-edit config.php file

Add Code to .htaccess File

The final step when configuring your network setup is to add some code to your .htaccess file. This file is normally located in your sites root directory. Make sure you create a backup of this file before editing the code in side it.

Add Code to .htaccess file

Copy and paste the code to overwrite the existing code in your .htaccess file on your web server using FTP or cPanel.

Edit .htaccess rewrite rules

You’ll now notice your WordPress dashboard and admin screen has changed to multisite.

New WordPress Admin for Multi Site

Network Settings

The final steps towards setting up multisite is to configure the network settings to your own unique setup.
Complete the network settings for:

  • Operational Settings – name and email
  • Registration Settings – control and moderate new user regisrations
  • New Site Settings – customize welcome email to new site owners as well as the default new site look and feel
  • Upload Settings – control media uploads sizes and limits from your site owners
  • Menu Settings

Benefits of Creating a Multisite Network

Creating a network of WordPress sites using the multisite is a great idea if you want to control the new sites added to your network like WordPress.com does.

Some of the benefits of using multisite are:

  • management of multiple sites form one WordPress installation
  • offer hosted blogs as an extension of your domain like WordPress.com
  • offer a simple blog which is easier to setup than a self hosted WordPress.org site
  • only need to update one plugin or theme for =your entire multisite network
  • managing your entire network of sites in the one place

Video – Enable & Setup WordPress Multi Site

Posts Related To Multisite Setup

12 responses to “WordPress Multisite – Creating a Network of WordPress Sites”

  1. is the blog.dir necessary even for the subdomain setup or is it only for subdirectory set up?

  2. I have follow your steps but its not working for me.
    1. I should create sub-domain in cPanel ?
    2. I should have new setup WordPress in that sub-domain ?

    1. Read this and check to make sure you have done everything correctly. http://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network

      1. yes, I have already done those steps. everything is working fine and looks like your steps.

        i have website “mydomain.com” and setting up with multiple wordpress sites. i have configure 2nd website “subdomain.mydomain.com” its not working while browsing.
        > Next, create subdomain in cPanel then to its not working.
        > Next, copy entire wp-content into sudomain folder, then to its not working.

        i am using wordpress 3.5.1

        1. I suggest you use the WP Migrate Db plugin to change urls when moving content.

          Any questions on multi site would be better answered on the multi site forum

  3. Pamela Avatar

    .htaccess files for Apache

    I haven’t asked HostGator yet about their version of the .htacces file for WordPress MultiSite but after more research have found out why these files differ.

    Did I open a can of worms? Indeed! This will keep me busy for awhile.

    These above WordPress links to .htaccess information merely skim the surface of the complexity and potential for .htaccess files.

    Obviously having a complete understanding of the structure, contents and placement of .htaccess (or multiples thereof) is critical not only for site security but also to enable WordPress features. Plus it would seem quite useful to use an .htaccess file to bar access to certain data.

    Another interesting aspect is the WordPress generation of this file since WordPress Pretty links cannot be enabled without the proper code in the .htaccess file.

    Further, I did not know that those that use FrontPage or are on Windows servers need to make changes and/or use other means to enable WordPress.

    I am wondering then, if WordPress Pretty Links should be enabled before setting up WordPress MultiSite (if one wants them) because one would want to integrate that Pretty Links code with whatever else one requires for multi-site. This would leave one with the need to know how to properly add features to the .htaccess file.

    From posts that I read on WordPress.org, some have mentioned that they were not able to obtain adequate information from their hosting company about modifying or using the .htaccess file for WordPress and other needs.

    As a result I plan to research the topic of Apache .htaccess files in depth to ensure that I have the most highly functioning, safe and secure .htaccess file(s) possible for my WordPress MultiSIte installation.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hi Pamela

      I have just changed DNS so my comments will be lost on my new site. I’ll answer them here Pam

      I don’t think it’s that complicated as the .htaccess files will be generated automatically

      Pretty links refer to the permalink structure you choose to use which can be easily changed in the Settings > Permalinks

      P.S You can easily upload an image of yourself to http://en.gravatar.com/ which will be displayed next to your comments if you use the same email address with which you register your gravatar. Thanks

  4. Pamela Avatar


    Now that is a much larger leap across the pond than I initially thought….
    Phuket sounds like a great place so long as the ocean behaves.

    I am not keen on spending a lot of time with tech support cleaning up a mess.

    I will ask HostGator about their code in the post.
    I wonder now why there are so many variations of this code and what difference (s) that could make?

    It would be a lot easier if you offered txt files of the code you have posted for the htacess as well as any other code that can be used for this install not only to provide HG with the info in a chat window but also for those of us that would prefer not to have any typing errors…

    Thank you.

  5. Hi Brad,

    WOW! Great information about linking WordPress sites. I have been looking for this type of information.


  6. Brad: Thanks for the GREAT tutorial… I am looking into the possibilities of doing something with this multi-site and you have cleared some things up for me!

    1. Multi site is great if you want to create an unlimited network of sites for users like WordPress.com does

      But its not for every other purpose as the new sites cannot install plugins and are controlled by you

      You can offer unique domains for network users like WordPress.com but i wouldn’t recommend using Multisite for your own sites in most cases

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