Split Large Posts Into Multi Page Posts Using The Next Page Link Tag

Next Page Links for Long PostsSometimes its better to split large posts into separate linked posts in order to satisfy your readers attention span.

You can do this simply by inserting some HTML code for the WordPress page link tag, into the position you want the next page link to display.

Make sure you add the <!–nextpage–>  tag to your HTML editor in the position you want the next page link numbers to show.

You will also need to add this php code:

<!--?php wp_link_pages( $args ); ?-->

to your single.php below:

<!--?php the_content(); ?-->

These instructions may vary as all themes are not created equal, so you may need to contact your themes technical support to clarify.

If you are using the default theme for WordPress, twenty eleven, you may try using this code in your themes single.php instead.

<?php wp_link_pages(); ?>

Some themes like Canvas already include this code built into the theme so you don’t need to insert the php code in your theme’s single.php file. Al you do is paste the code in your HTML post editor.

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2 responses to “Split Large Posts Into Multi Page Posts Using The Next Page Link Tag”

  1. bobschecter Avatar

    So what happens when you set up the link? How do you keep the second and third post of that muli-page post from being indexed directly into the Recent Posts, for instance. Are the second and third pages, subposts of the first? If you’re on the second and third page, how does the breadcrumbs handle it, if not as a subpost?

    1. Hi Bob

      Try it out and you will see. Could be different depending on your theme and setup.

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