SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam Plugin Stops Comment, Registration & Login Form Spam

Anti Spam Captcha Plugin for WordPressOne of the best ways to wipe out spammers posting links on your blog is to add a simple Captcha using a plugin.

The SI Captcha Anti Spam plugin provides CAPTCHA anti-spam methods to WordPress forms for comments, registration, lost password and login.

In order to post comments, register or use the contact forms on your blog, users will have to type in the code shown on the image.

  • This prevents spam from automated bots.
  • Adds security.
  • Works great with Akismet.
  • Also is fully WP, WPMU, and BuddyPress compatible.

SI Captcha Anti Spam Settings

Choose where you want to display the captcha to prevent automated spammers from trying to post links on your blog.

SI Captcha Plugin Options

  • You can set the difficulty level for the Captcha
  • Enable the captcha on all forms including comments, contact and registration forms
  • SI Captcha also integrates with Akismet for added prevention of comment spam

Comment Form Anti Spam Captcha

Comment spam can be wiped out completely by installing the akismet plugin, configuring the WordPress discussion settings correctly and installing the SI Captcha anti spam plugin.

Comment Form Anti Spam Captcha

Registration Page Anti Spam Captcha

New bloggers need to be very careful they don’t allow automated spammers to leave links using the registration form. The reason for this is Google puts your domain on probation for the first few months to check if you are legit or a spammer.

If you don’t setup your discussion settings correctly, you could end up with thousands of backlinks to spammy sites which will hurt your credibility with the search engines.

Registration Form Anti Spam Captcha

If you disable the Anyone can register checkbox in the General Settings page, registration spam will not be possible.

General Settings - Membership Registration

Login Form Anti Spam Captcha

Adding a captcha to your login form helps protect your blog from hackers which is an additional benefit of using the SI Captcha plugin for WordPress.

Login Form Anti Spam Captcha

Do you really need to install a plugin to stop spam? If you correctly configure your native WordPress discussion settings then you really won’t need to add any additional anti spam functions to your WordPress blog.

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