How To Bulk Edit Multiple Pages & Posts In WordPress

Recently i needed to change all the page templates on a new membership site i was working on as the default page template wasn’t displaying properly.

The site has over 70 pages so editing each one individually would probably have taken 1-2 hours if not more.

I knew i could use the quick edit links under each page but even that method needs to be completed one by one so i eventually worked out a faster way to do it.

You probably won’t need to use this very often but if you do, editing pages and posts using the bulk methods in this post will save you heaps of time.

Quick Edit Pages

Quick Edit Page

Here’s a screen shot showing how to quick edit page:

  • Title
  • Slug
  • Date
  • Parent Page
  • Template
  • Page Status

Bulk Edit Pages

To bulk edit multiple pages, select the pages, select edit from the drop down and click Apply.

Bulk Edit Page

You’ll now see an expanded view of whats available to bulk edit

Bulk Edit Pages

Bulk Edit Multiple Posts

You can also use the same method to bulk edit posts.

Choose which posts to edit from the Bulk Edit field and make your edits.

Bulk Edit Multiple Posts

Mass Editing different elements of WordPress posts and pages using bulk actions will come in handy when you need to make changes to all your posts or pages quickly.

5 responses to “How To Bulk Edit Multiple Pages & Posts In WordPress”

  1. Hi Brad,

    Thanks for the nice tutorial, it’s very useful for a wp beginner like me. Is it also possible to bulk edit pages published date?

  2. dude… this is awesome. Thanks so much for sharing this information!

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Its amazing i know!

      Thanks for the comment Jesse.

      1. seriously, if I could go back in time and tell myself this, I could have saved 100s of hours editing wordpress pages 1 at a time.

        1. Brad Dalton Avatar
          Brad Dalton


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