How To Monitor WordPress Server Uptime, CPU Usage and RAM

WordPress Server ResourcesOnce you’ve chosen from a list of the best WordPress hosting providers and installed WordPress on your web server you may want to monitor your server uptime, CPU Usage & RAM usage.

The reason for this is, most hosting packages provide a limit on CPU & RAM usage which can effect your uptime, especially if using a shared hosting plan.

Example of Web Server Resources Limits

An example of the amount of resources a VPS offers for CPU & RAM are:

VPS Hosting Web Server Resources

  • Disk Space is easy to measure and doesn’t need monitoring unless you’re adding large media files like video’s on a regular basis
  • Bandwidth is generally unlimited so shouldn’t need monitoring
  • RAM is limited depending on which hosting plan you choose so this needs close attention
  • CPU is very important and if exceeded, will result in downtime or CPU throttling depending on your hosting plan & provider

Reducing Server Resources

Installing a caching plugin like WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache will reduce the amount of resources your site uses but you’ll still need to keep below the resource limits your web server offers in order to avoid downtime.

An easy way to do this is to install a plugin named WP Really Simple Health.

WP Really Simple Health Plugin

Once you’ve installed the plugin, there are only 3 settings to check.

  • Display the server uptime
  • Display the actual Ram memory use
  • Display Cpu loading in the last minute

WP Really Simple Health Settings

WordPress Server Usage Readings

You’ll then notice a your server usage for Uptime, Ram and CPU in your admin bar.

WordPress Server CPU RAM

The readings provide an easy way to monitor the most important resource data which effects your web server uptime and the hosting of your WordPress site on the internet.

This is a new plugin to monitor the most important server resources for uptime including CPU & RAM for WordPress users.

5 responses to “How To Monitor WordPress Server Uptime, CPU Usage and RAM”

  1. Sunith babu Avatar
    Sunith babu

    I was suffering from WordPress CPU and RAM usage problem and I have installed this, hope I dont get server down time and suspended status in the future

    1. Hi Sunith

      This plugin offers one way to measure your CPS usage in order to determine which type of hosting plan your site needs

  2. Mummy Ninja Avatar
    Mummy Ninja

    Just the plugin that I need! ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for sharing about this. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Hello Brad,

    I have been reading your website for long time and I learn some stuffs from you. Some other stuffs are too hard for me to understand. So i’m learning some stuffs. I read a lot from other areas about WordPress. Keep up your good work. New friend from Ohio.


    1. Hi Richie

      Take it one step at a time and you’ll eventually pick up the more advanced stuff!

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