Create a Landing Page Without Code Or Plugins

This tutorial is one of a series created for users who have Kolakube skins installed on the Thesis framework.

Landing pages work. Its been proven time and time again that sending a reader to a special page which prompts the visitor to take action converts far better than if that reader lands on a default page.

A landing page generally consists of a content area with the sidebars removed.

Some landing pages have also removed the header, navigation menu’s and footer.

One of the biggest challengers internet marketers and bloggers face is the need to build an audience of readers who at some stage use the services of or buy products from the site they land on.

Working out how to design your site’s web pages to convert your readers into subscribers and your subscribers into clients or customers is one of these challenges.

Using code to create landing pages can be challenging causing many to become frustrated.

Now there’s an easy way to avoid this frustration so you can achieve one of the goals most WordPress users hope for.

Landing Page Options

There’s many different ways to create landing pages which include:

In this tutorial, i’ll show beginners how to make a landing page using the built in design features included in your skin.

  1. No plugins needed
  2. No need to mess around with php & css code
  3. Choice of different styles & types of landing pages
  4. You can create as many landing pages as you like even on your homepage

Landing Page Design

Simply create a new page and select the Landing page option under the Marketers Delight options module.

Marketers Delight Landing Page Options

Choose which page template you need from under the Template drop down in your Page Attribution module

Page Attributes-Template Options

You can choose from:

  • Default Template
  • Custom Template
  • No Sidebars template

Each template option will result in your landing page displaying differently, so Preview each one and choose the option which best suits your needs.

Page Template Examples:

  1. Choosing the No Sidebars page template will result in your landing page being full width (good for homepage & displaying products, video’s, eBooks & images aligned left or right of your sales copy).
  2. Use of the Default Template will display your landing page so its narrow which is great for a sales funnel type landing page.

Add Content Using Shortcodes

You can choose from simply adding text content with images, video the same way you use in posts and pages or you can also use short codes.

Here’s more about short codes including examples ( most of these shortcodes are not yet included for use in Kolakube skins or Thesis)

Short codes allow you to add additional style to your page without needing to mess around with code.

Kolakube skins also includes built in custom shortcodes so theres no need to install a shortcodes plugin unless you want to use ones which aren’t included by default in your skins design options.

  • Colored Buttons
  • Alert Box
  • Note Box
  • Content Block
  • Optin Form
  • Testimonial Block

I’ll be writing more on how to use landing pages effectively as well as online marketing tutorials soon. Click here to get these free tutorials delivered in your inbox and never miss a post.

Got any examples of  a landing page you would like to share?

Leave a comment and link below describing how you made it and its effectiveness.

One response to “Create a Landing Page Without Code Or Plugins”

  1. Brad Dalton Avatar
    Brad Dalton

    Hi Mark

    What is your domain name?

    Create the content in your wp post editor, also add the shortcode there and preview it using the visual editor and paste it into the lead box

    Why haven’t you upgraded to 2.2.5?

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