Over 20 Ideas On How To Create Compelling Content

Once you’ve built a website with WordPress you’ll need to add some content, but where are you going to get it from? Hire a content writer or sit down and put your story together yourself?

Most readers simply scan a page for a few seconds before deciding to stay or move onto the next site.

If you don’t know how to keep them reading, they’ll never get to read more about what you’re on about.

That’s where creating compelling content comes into play.

Starting with your headline and then the first few sentences.

Its something i’m personally digging deeper into which you may have noticed if you read my review about a recovering attorney and his famous blog.

If your readers are continuing to leave your site without getting to the end of your posts, take a look at this infographic from Copyblogger where you’ll find some brilliant tips.

Here you’ll find 22 ways to create content that’s compelling.

Content which you can learn to write yourself and market to build your business.

22 Ways to Create Compelling Content - Infographic
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4 responses to “Over 20 Ideas On How To Create Compelling Content”

  1. Tho Huynh Avatar
    Tho Huynh

    The infographic looks great 🙂 These are definitely sources to nuture your mind while getting stuck

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hello Tho

      Yes its an amazing infographic. Must have taken a lot of work to put this together!

  2. Abigail Avatar

    Thanks for this infographic! I’m going to be printing it out and pasting on my wall in my office. I’m also gonna share with everyone I know that writes a blog or uses social media. Have already pinned. #invaluable.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      No worries Abigail. Its not mine but its free to use. Would have cost an arm and a leg to get something like that made up. Wish i could afford it!

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