A Look At The Company Behind WordPress Automattic

Automattic was founded back in 2005 by Matt Mullenweg.

The company is best known for its ownership of WordPress.com and ongoing development of the world’s most popular open source blogging software, WordPress.org.

Automattic Head Office

San Francisco Office of Automattic

Automattic owns products including:

8 responses to “A Look At The Company Behind WordPress Automattic”

  1. Ravi Kumar Rao Avatar
    Ravi Kumar Rao

    Hello Sir,
    I am working on wordpress more then two years. And i want to work wordpress main office.so please suggest me. and please send me your opinion in my Mail ID.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      I would contact Automattic at their San Fransisco head office. http://automattic.com/work-with-us/

  2. Why is it, when I DO reply to a comment, I HAVE to select “subscribe” to comments, because then I GET 50 EMAILS from reply’s that OTHERS are making???? LIke I care! that could be 100’s if that site has a huge following!!! I don’t have time to delete all that!!! IF the owner of the site responds, THAT is really the only response I care about, so why should I SUFFER THROUGH a billion stupid emails to get one simple comment????

    AND THIS NEW TAB for MY COMMENTS…..OMG what a load of junk I have to arrow down through for EVER to see if someone commented. Once again, I don’t have time for this!!!!

    WHY can’t you JUST PUT IT ALL BACK UNDER THE STAR FEATURE????? ITS WAS PERFECT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. You need to subscribe to comments unless the site has a function that automatically sends you notification of new comments after you have submitted yours.

      I don’t remove comments which are negative. Only if they’re spam.

    2. Already answered this question. It depends on how the site is setup. You should contact the site directly and ask them this question. Not every site is setup the same way.

  3. Duncan Swallow Avatar
    Duncan Swallow

    Why do I no longer receive automatic notifications to replies to comments I’ve left on other WordPress sites? I have to go into Comments I’ve Made. This is a major problem to keeping spontaneous conversations and comment threads going.

    1. The WordPress Sites you comment on need to offer the ‘Subscribe To Comments’ feature and you need to subscribe to comments if they do. That way you will be notified of new comments for that specific post. The Jetpack plugin adds this feature but not everyone uses Jetpack.

      1. Duncan Swallow Avatar
        Duncan Swallow

        But until the end of last week this was an AUTOMATIC feature; I didn’t need to do anything such as subscribe to JetPack, whatever on earth that is. Lots of people use this feature as a chat facility. WordPress has simply decided to change the rules with no thought for the many users who relied on this feature to respond quickly to comments from several sites at once.
        I’ll ask the question at once again. Why do I NO LONGER receive auotomataic notifications as i did until a few days ago.
        Another query. Every user I know is spitting blood about this, yet on the Comments for the change (now conveniently closed) every Comment was a positive one. I think you fudges the responses and got rid of the negatives.

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