Indexing or No Indexing Categories and Tags

Robots Meta Tags - No IndexThere always seems to be questions popping up on many of the popular WordPress forums about indexing categories and tags.

No doubt the reason for this is that many bloggers aren’t sure which way to go which is why they keep asking.

Are you missing out if you don’t index content grouped together like this?

Should you index tags and no index categories or simply index categories and not tags?

This post is referring to category and tag archives.

Here’s an example of a:

Lets now take a look at what 2 of the experts have to say.

DIY Themes

If you read this excellent guide, you’ll find the Thesis theme, by default, indexes category archives and no indexes tag archives.


On smaller sites it might make sense to noindex either the category or the tag structure, but in my experience noindexing those on does little to no change at all. Source: Yoast

Personally, on this site, i use the default Thesis SEO settings which index categories. However, i do not use tags very much only on very specific related content which i do index.

How about you?

Additional reading

  1. WordPress Category SEO
  2. The Basics of Search Engine Optimization
  3. How To Setup Your Thesis Theme SEO Settings

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