All In One Security Plugin for WordPress

Are you aware of any attacks by hackers on your site? Would you like to know?

If you want to know whenever there’s an attempt to hack into your site, this plugin is for you.

Firstly, here’s 7 ways hackers normally try and hack into your site.

Wordfence is a new plugin which provides an all in one security service for your installation.

Its a free plugin which also offers a premium yearly service offering additional security features PLUS premium support.

The only thing this plugin doesn’t do is backup your files and databases.

Premium Options

  • Scan Theme files for infections
  • View changes/repair Theme files
  • Scan Plugin files for infections
  • View changes/repair Plugin files
  • Premium support

Basic Options

Once you install the plugin all you need to do is configure the settings.

Wordfence works great out of the box for most websites. Simply install Wordfence and your site and content is protected.

Basic Security Options


Here you can check to be notified by email whenever there’s a security issue

Alert Options


The plugin offers a range of different security scans, some of which are only included in the premium upgrade.

Security Scans

Login Options

If you install this plugin there’s no need to install the limit login attempts plugin as well as you can see from the screenshot.

Login Security Options

Other Options

There’s extra security options available after you install this plugin which are a bonus.

Other Security Options

Live Traffic

WordFence displays a range of live traffic stats so you can see who’s on your site and what I.P address they come from.

You can use this feature to lookup any suspected hackers and find where they’re coming from to make a report.

Want to know which links the search engine bots are crawling?

Search Engine Bot Crawling Links


Great security plugin for WordPress users especially if you’re on shared hosting which doesn’t provide any security scanning or backup.

This plugin doesn’t backup your site so you’ll need to arrange that yourself.

If you have any questions about this plugin, post it in the Wordfence forum or leave a comment below.

If you’re on managed hosting then you won’t need any security plugins as everything is already covered including daily backup and restore points.

Know of a better security plugin for WordPress?

7 responses to “All In One Security Plugin for WordPress”

  1. Stephanie Alexander Avatar
    Stephanie Alexander

    Hi Brad,

    You know the saying “You can learn something new everyday” Well this post and a few other pages I had time to read taught me a lot today, from knowing just what better plugins to use, because as you pointed out there are thousands to choose from, and about website security which was one of your links. I’ll definitely implement most if not all of your suggestions. Thanks once again for your help.


    1. Hello Stephanie

      There’s a few essential plugin which everyone should install.

      Thanks for the comment.

  2. does the word fence slow your site down?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Stats won’t slow down your page loading times but it will use resources. What does slow down your site is images, javascript and css code.

      Take the site speed test from my sidebar and you’ll see exactly what takes the longest time to load.

      Most likely this will be Google javascript, sidebar images and css code.

  3. Michael G. Stults Avatar
    Michael G. Stults


    Where would you find this plugin? Is it under a different name in the plugin directory?


    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hi Michael.

      Here’s the link to download the plugin

    2. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Here you go Michael

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