How To Update a Thesis Skin Like Kolakube

Alex Magnini is updating Kolakube skins like there’s NO tomorrow! Which is great. Heaps of new features and a more responsive theme.

I guess at 18 he’s taking leaps and bounds on us old folks! That’s the reason i’m connected with him.

Ready to get started and install the latest and greatest version of your Kolakube skin?

Firstly, always make sure you backup your entire Thesis theme files and database before updating a skin/theme. You’ll also need to save any custom css or other code you have pasted into your custom file editor.

Download Skin Update

Download the Upgrade zip file (which contains the latest version of the skin) from the Client Area /Downloads.

Marketers Delight 2 Upgrade

Open the zip file by double clicking it or unzipping it and drag the contents onto your desktop.

It will contain a few files. The one you need is the:

  1. upload folder

Click the UPLOAD folder and then click the md folder. You’ll need to upload the contents of the md folder (Not the folder itself ) to the md folder on your server.

The screen shot below shows the contents of the md folder.

Skin Update

Upload Files

Login to FTP and upload the contents inside the md folder from your local computer (Not the UPLOAD or md folders) to your existing md folder on your server.

FTP md folder contents

Next step is to click that huge green Save button

Save Changes

You’d be surprised how many people don’t do this and then hit the forum asking why their site looks weird!

Save Changes

If you get stuck, Sean and Alex will set you free in the outstanding Kolakube forum!


Watch the video Alex made.

Note: Updating your skin/theme to the latest version isn’t the same as installing a Kolakube skin on the Thesis framework for the first time because you have customization and changes that need to be saved.

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