WordPress Blogging Platform Powers Nearly 50% Of TheTop 100 Blogs

I was recently watching a video of Matt Mullenweg being interviewed by an old rivalry from Movable Type.

It was interesting because Matt, even though he’s becoming more confident, wasn’t anywhere near as confident as his interviewer.

He does look amused at times and why wouldn’t he considering WordPress was started with code forked from  b2/cafelog blogging software.

According to the latest figures, Movable Type and every other blogging platform are falling behind WordPress which is going from strength to strength.

Top 100 Blogs Using Blog Platform

And here’s some of the best examples of what is possible with WordPress.

What Happened to Blogger & Tumblr?

I’m really surprised to see Tumblr and Blogger at 1%

Love to know what the figures are for all users, not just the top 100 blogs, but if this any indication, its not looking to good for the competition for the future.

On the other hand, Matt has just announced WordPress.com have turned on the ability for its users to instantly share blog posts to Tumblr powered sites.

This is very interesting because WordPress.com will PERMANENTLY SUSPEND your free hosted blog if you publish posts from any platform, including WordPress, to any WordPress.com blog.

Its a bit like the pot calling the kettle black don’t you think?

That’s the reason its a big risk using a free hosted blogging platform.

I guess the reason for this is the fact that most of these other blog platforms don’t provide a free hosted version unlike WordPress.org.


I must admit Tumblr does produce some great looking themes and Blogger would have to be the easiest platform to use based on my experience.

The way i look at this is there’s no player bigger than the team and there’s no team bigger than the game

I like different things about all these platforms and i’m a huge fan of WordPress and Matt Mullenweg.

How about you. Have you ever tried any other platforms other than WordPress.com?

One response to “WordPress Blogging Platform Powers Nearly 50% Of TheTop 100 Blogs”

  1. Brad Dalton Avatar
    Brad Dalton

    Hi Rosie

    Yeah its weird but its based on the top 100 blogs so not really an indication of the overall stats.

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