Video Tutorial Setup Guide For WordPress Beginners

If you want to start a blog but have put it on the ‘to do list’ or maybe in the ‘too hard basket’, you’re not alone.

You’ve also arrived at the right place at the right time.

I’ve been talking to many people from all over the world, face to face and via different forms of social media and skype.

The reality of this is that there’s many people who want to start blogging and they use different resources to get started.

All the above resources provide different ways to create a website or blog with WordPress and now there’s another option.

Step by Step Video’s

I’ve always wanted to improve the free guide to WordPress and will rewrite it at some stage.

I’ve gone one step further to improve on a series of 24 video’s tutorials for WordPress beginners.

These videos provide a general overview on how to setup WordPress for would be bloggers.

That’s what this post is all about.

I’ve put my head down and added all my knowledge to a 24 part guide with video’s to make life easier for people who have not started blogging for various reasons.

I added essential information to each page with links to more resources so they can use my knowledge to setup your WordPress site properly.

Each page focuses on one part of setting up WordPress the right way the first time.

Who’s The Video Tutorials For

  • Existing WordPress Bloggers who haven’t setup their site the right way
  • Would be bloggers who have put off starting a blog for some reason
  • Friends and people you know who can benefit from a website or blog
  • People on a budget that want a website/ blog to make money online

Do you know anyone that’s owns an existing website but doesn’t blog?

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