Where To Add Email Subscribe Forms On Your Blog

Building a subscriber list of people who will engage with you on your blog and social media is a challenge we all face.

Even well known and popular pro bloggers face this challenge on a regular basis.

Here’s a few tips i recommend:

1. Make it easy for would be subscribers to sign up

There’s several positions on your site where you must have a sign up form for your newsletter.

  • The top of your sidebar on the right hand side is where most people look and its always displayed on every page and post.
  • Before the main content area starts, below your header.
  • At the end of every post or underneath your comments

You can add an opt in form to the end of all your posts using a variety of methods:

Subscribe Form Positions

2. Add a sign up form to your social media accounts

You can’t add an opt in form to all your social accounts but you can add one to Facebook and Youtube.

Facebook Subscribe Forms

If you’re popular on YouTube, why not add a subscribe form at the top of your YouTube sidebar.

YouTube Subscribe Options

3. Create an eBook, White Paper or short Video course

I’ve recently redone a video course to help beginners setup WordPress correctly and all i ask for is email registration.

Setup WordPress

Creating an eBook works really well and will get redistributed so you can also include subscribe links at the bottom of every page in your eBook.

Subscribe to Free eBook

More Tips

It takes time to build a list of quality readers who share the same interests.

Producing quality content on a consistent basis will convince more of your new site visitors to subscribe to your newsletter.

If you can’t produce high quality content every day, put all your best resources into a short eCourse, Video Series or eBook. You can take existing content which focuses on solving a problem and add to it so its a great solution which will be useful.

Should You Focus on RSS?

Based on my own personal experience, i’ve found the email service included in Jetpack subscriptions far more effective than an RSS management service like Feedburner.

I think this is because the format it arrives in is a lot nicer and i’ve noticed many other experienced bloggers starting to use it.

Should You Focus on Using an Email Service

You have to use an email service to give away an eBook or offer an eCourse because it includes an autoresponder which you need.

There are other options you can use like free autoresponder plugins however MailChimp offer an excellent free service for beginners.


Do you use forms with a subscribe box or links?

Do you focus on using your email service or RSS?

What Your Site Visitors Click

Have you ever used Google’s in page analytics?

In Page Analytics gives you reports on what your readers click when they’re on your site.

Here’s a preview:

In Pages Analytics Header

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