WordPress.com’s Jetpack Subscriptions Delivers New Posts Instantly

WP Sites are now using WordPress.com subscriptions.

It’s included in the Jetpack plugin and the service is handled by WordPress.com.

It’s an excellent service and no one understands how to format new posts better than WordPress.

Subscribe for Daily or Weekly Updates

The new service lets you change the frequency between daily & weekly notifications.

The quality is better than Feedburner or MailChimp.

I’m adding new content daily so if you’re getting too many emails you can easily switch to weekly.

No Plain Text Emails

The new service doesn’t offer plain text, only HTML.

The service works like Feedburner which i am also keeping as another option for people that like to view new posts in a reader.

Create Your Own Signup Forms

Here’s a basic tutorial on how to create a custom opt in form for Jetpack subscriptions.

You can also insert the subscription form within the content area of your posts and pages using a widget shortcode plugin.

New Content Delivered Immediately

There’s a 30 minute delay with Feedburner after you publish new content.

On top of this, Feedburner send out new posts at a pre determined time so it could be 24 hours before you receive the latest news.

Email service providers like Aweber and MailChimp offer a RSS to email feature which is also delayed.

When new content is published, it gets sent out immediately unless you subscribe for weekly updates.

2 Ways to Subscribe

You can subscribe 2 ways:

  1. Use the + Follow tab at the bottom right hand corner of the site
  2. Expand the comment form below every post and check the box – Notify me of new posts via email
What are your thoughts on Jetpacks subscription service?

2 responses to “WordPress.com’s Jetpack Subscriptions Delivers New Posts Instantly”

  1. wow…. i should try this plugin

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      It’s a great plugin jam packed with useful modules that help you add great features to your site.

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