3 Popular WordPress Themes from ThemeForest

Theme Forest is the largest market place in the world for premium WordPress themes.

You’ll find a huge ranges to choose from and they’re easy to find.

Simply go to the WordPress tab and search using the categories.

Here’s 3 themes which have each been downloaded over 10,000 times.

U Design – View Live Demo

U Design

Karma – View Live Demo

Karma–Premium WordPress Theme

Striking – View Live Demo


Support & Updates

Based on my experience, the support for themes from Themeforest isn’t the same as what you’d get from the top 3 theme Creators.

  • Generally, you won’t get access to both text and video tutorials.
  • Most of these themes aren’t built on a framework (i.e  Genesis, Thesis & Woo frameworks) which could be a problem if you decide to change themes.
  • Most don’t provide a support forum with several experienced staff at the top level like Thesis
  • Rarely will you be provided customization support and custom coding unlike Thesis & Kolakube.


Based on my experience and research i found and read this post on WPCandy.

I agree with this comment

But yes, the support forums suck, but……the themes are generally gorgeous.

If you’re a beginner, i wouldn’t recommend Themeforest unless you are prepared to pay a designer for customization and fixing problems when needed.

What has been your experience with Themeforest?

2 responses to “3 Popular WordPress Themes from ThemeForest”

  1. Hey,

    Thanks for the great posts.

    I have used ThemeForest for a while and have had horrible luck with some themes and great luck with others. (themeblvd)

    The trick is to find themes with a developer that answers questions in a timely and helpful manner. I actually had Karma but ditched it because it was so fat and kludgy and when I ran theme checker (plugin) against it, it had horrible results.

    I also look at how often there are updates. Just like a plugin, if there are no updated or very few, I stay away from them.

    Fancy themes are nice for the average person.
    They will do everything. But with that comes some negatives. The functionality (plugins) are essentially built into the theme. That makes for a very slow loading site.

    Whereas Thesis, Genesis, Headway are the complete opposite. But you won’t get all that functionality and features and great layouts and shortcodes right out of the box. So you will need to know how to do some coding to bring them to life.


    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hey Mitch

      I think Themeforest are improving depending on which developer you buy from. Even StudioPress are listed there now.

      The Genesis framework may include built in shortcodes a bit like the Woo framework has already in one of the upcoming updates.

      Thesis 2.0 is due out on Monday and will include some new features and lots of easy customization options.

      Thanks for the comment

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