Forum Questions Without Answers & Blank Pages Top Google’s Index

Just read a post about how Google’s Matt Cutts is ranking blank pages top 10 in their index.

Even bad content attracts bad comments but at least there’s some engagement.

I’ve lost count of the number of times i have searched for a solution using Google and found forum questions without any answers ranking 1,2 and 3 on the first page of their results.

Monthly Search Quality Changes

Google releases monthly changes to their ranking algorithm, 2 of which we’ll take a look at in this post.

  • More authoritative results
  • More domain diversity
Google'search quality Staff

Domain Authority

More authoritative results. We’ve tweaked a signal we use to surface more authoritative content.

When you have a domain authority of 100/100, basically speaking, you’ll rank for a page title without any content whatsoever.


Unlimited forum questions without any answers!


php files ranked top 3 in Google’s SERPS

Duplicate Results

Also lost count of the times i’ve seen the exavtly same url’s indexed in Google’s SERPS.

Here’s one example:

Page 4 in Google’s SERPS

Page 3 In Google’s SERPS displays exactly the same url.

Page 3 in Google’s SERPS

Duplicate Youtube video’s indexed in Google SERPS

Domain Crowding

More domain diversity. Sometimes search returns too many results from the same domain. This change helps surface content from a more diverse set of domains.

80% of all the results on the first 3 pages of Google’s search engine results isn’t more domain diversity is it?

Domain Crowding in Google Search Results


Matt Cutt’s Solution

What do famous people do when they get it all so very very wrong?

Go overseas to consult the experts and post the video 6 months after you they back.

Matt Cutts in India


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