Re Writing Older Blog Posts With Better Quality Content

Once you’ve written a few hundred blog posts, you should start to feel like you have the hang of it don’t you think?

Some sooner than others but that’s alright.

We all have our strengths and weaknesses.

Do you ever get the feeling or think its a bit like a giant jigsaw puzzle?

You’re not alone.

The good news is that at some stage it will come together and you’ll know it when you’re writing is improving.

You’ll certainly know it when you write a great post as those comments and direct emails from your readers will let you know it.


This is a great opportunity to go back over some of your earlier posts which aren’t producing much traffic and rewrite them now that your know the real reasons the quality of your content needs to improve.

You’ll also have the opportunity to share the updated posts again to your network and even gain more comments and a higher ranking in Google (Or Bing if you’re not a fan of Google at the moment!)

More Benefits

You know what to do so why not find an old post that you know isn’t up to scratch and maybe one that’s related to a real ripper you’ve written recently. This way you can also inset internal links and tags to these posts and group together several of your best work.

Personally i’m going over my first 500 and improving the content which really sucks in many different ways.

Next year i plan on doing the same if i can add even better content yet again.

Re Publishing Old Posts

You don’t need to republish your old posts when you update them with better quality content.

Here’s an old publication on how to update old blog posts and why you should.

Building Quality Content

Quality content also needs to be compelling.

I’ve found that the most popular content tends to be easy to follow and understand.

It’s based on feedback received from comments, surveys and researching readers needs.

It’s also based on whats right & wrong and what works and what doesn’t, all based on the writers own personal experience.

Simple idea’s that you have worked out yourself and tested based on your own failures and success pass the BS detector we all have built into us when reading blogs on the net.

Here’s the latest guide from Google on how to build quality content.


Do you research your keyword competitors and other blogs in your niche before you write a new post? Or do you research the sites you want to link out to after you have finished writing new content based on your own experience?

If you’ve already done this before why not share your experience about what worked and what didn’t in the comments. Thanks

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